Want to Know Who’s Going to Be President? Ask the Stock Market

Investing and Money Management

A recently-published, landmark research paper shows the link between stock market performance and presidential election winners.
By Elliott Wave International

What’s the biggest influence on the outcome of presidential elections?

Many observers would identify the role of campaign spending by super PACs, a candidate’s debate performance, and, of course, the health of the economy (“stupid”).

Yet if you want an answer backed by a large body of evidence, you’ll find one in the recently-published, landmark research paper by Robert Prechter, Deepak Goel, Wayne Parker and Matthew Lampert, titled “Social Mood, Stock Market Performance and US Presidential Elections.”

A lot of time, data analysis, and copious statistical evidence led them to this straightforward result: “Social mood as reflected by the stock market is a more powerful regulator of re-election outcomes than economic variables such as GDP, inflation and unemployment…”

In other words: If you want a good predictor for the result…

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